PANdemic emergency and E-Learning: innovative learning and teaching methodologies
The project aims to:
- Provide teachers with suggestions and IT tools to overcome difficulties in the E-learning environment;
- To improve training methodologies in e-learning environment in the areas of: foreign language learning, art workshops, physical and mental well-being, ICT
- To motivate low-skilled adults in the IT field to be active in the E-learning environment.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
About the project
The PANEL (PANdemic emergency and E-Learning: innovative learning and teaching methodologies) project was born out of an observation: The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak made it very difficult for people with low IT skills to follow the online training courses.Teachers had to adapt to this new form of training also. The development of distance learning can, however, provide a decisive impetus not only to implement important structural measures, but also to spread and increase the level of general digital literacy.
The issue of digital skills is crucial both for teachers, who need a wide variety of digital communication tools to teach in the current context, and for low-skilled adults in the IT field, for whom online lessons are more difficult to follow and training courses more difficult to complete.
The aim of the project is to create guidelines that can support teachers in the design of online training activities with the aim of helping low-skilled adults in the IT field to complete the courses. In order to achieve this aim, the project activities will be developed in: – an initial research phase on the problems and needs of teachers and learners – sharing of the analyses and evaluations carried out – the preparation of 4 pilot programmes based on the evaluations carried out – training activity for trainers concerning the new methodologies – experimentation of the methodologies – implementation of the guidelines for teachers.
Project's result 1 : Evaluation report of teacher and learner questionnaires and good practices concerning E-learning courses
In order to assess the needs of trainers and low-skilled computer users and to be able to prepare effective e-learning courses using engaging methodologies, questionnaires will be prepared for teachers and learners. An analysis of the questionnaires will then be carried out in order to gather indications of the problems faced by teachers and learners and their teaching and learning needs. An analysis of good practice in e-learning training methodologies will also be done in relation to the methodologies used in all countries and will be addressed to all stakeholders, including those not directly involved in the project.
At the end, there will be the sharing of the results of the questionnaires and good practices by the partners and the preparation of a report highlighting the most effective methodologies to be used for the e-learning training of the training paths related to the 4 identified training areas.
The study carried out will also make it possible to identify virtuous processes for the development of training actions in other areas of activity as well, since the needs and problems that emerge in order to be able to follow an E-learning course effectively are highlighted by the learners.
Project's result 2 : Preparation of pilot programmes
In relation to the report containing the difficulties encountered by teachers at methodological level and by learners with difficulties in the use of IT and/or multimedia technologies to complete courses carried out only in E-learning mode, the partners will draft methodologies for the realisation of pilot courses which, also using existing good practices, will be able to overcome the difficulties encountered in running the courses. A training course will therefore be prepared for each of the four training areas considered. A form will also be drafted containing the methods for resolving the main technical difficulties encountered in using the platform, also in relation to the requests that may be made by the learners during the lessons. Teachers’ and learners’ needs analysis will be carried out in order to provide online training that enables low-skilled adults in the IT field to overcome the difficulties of integration and socialisation in online communities. The study carried out will also make it possible to identify virtuous processes for the development of training activities in other areas of activity as well, since the needs and problems that emerge in order to effectively follow an E-learning course are highlighted by the learners. The activities will be coordinated by Kainotomia and MDCD of Modi’in.
Project's result 3 : Implementation of guidelines for trainers
The development of the guidelines for the e-learning training paths, especially with regard to the participation of learners with low IT skills, will be based in the first place on the experimentation of the paths and their evaluation. The realisation of the guidelines will be developed in the last months of the project life, during which modifications/additions will be made according to the evaluation.
The guidelines are innovative because they aim to provide new methodologies for teachers who had to modify their training methods to accommodate e-learning during the period of suspension of face-to-face classes due to the pandemic.
The guidelines can also be used for the development of training programmes using a mixed methodology (online and face-to-face) and can also be adapted to the development of training activities in areas not covered by the project.
Kick-off meeting in Israel
13th and 14th of March 2022
All PANEL partners gathered in Israel for the kick-off meeting of the PANEL project. This meeting, held in a hybrid format, was the opportunity for the partners to meet and plan the work for the first months of the project.
Universita della Libereta, the coordinator, presented the general aspects of the project and partners got the opportunity to ask any needed clarification to ensure a smooth delivery of the project’s results.
Partners discussed in details the project result 1 “Evaluation report of the teachers and learners questionnaire and of the best practices about e-learning courses”, under the lead of the University of Malaga.
The meeting was a great success thanks to the warm welcome of our Israeli partner, Modiin Municipality!
PANDEMIC EMERGENCY AND E-LEARNING Innovative learning and teaching methodology.
PANDEMIC EMERGENCY AND E-LEARNING Innovative learning and teaching methodology.
PANDEMIC EMERGENCY AND E-LEARNING Innovative learning and teaching methodology.
Transnational partners’ meeting
Ferrol, Spain – 15th and 16th of November 2022
All PANEL partners were welcomed in Galicia by the Escola Oficial de Idiomas de Ferrol in order to discuss the work achieved during the first months of the project and plan the next steps to be taken by the partnership.
The meeting allowed partners to have a clear view on the actions to be taken to finalize the first result of the project “Evaluation report of the teachers and learners questionnaire and of the best practices about e-learning courses” as well as establish a clear work plan for the elaboration of the second project’s result “Pilot programme implementation”.
Partners got the opportunity to meet the mayor of Ferrol and present the PANEL project. They also were able to visit an innovative teachers’ training center.
The meeting was a real success and partners enjoyed it a lot!
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SOLUTION: Solidarité & Inclusion
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